The world’s first virtual Real Estate Investment Trust

Your Gateway to Metaverse Land Ownership
Virtual Real Estate is a New NFT Asset Class
Virtual real estate is a non-fungible (NFT) digital asset that represents limited and scarce virtual space that resides within Metaverse’s. Metaverse’s are virtual world’s where people of all types come to interact using their digital personas. Some Metaverse’s are virtual reality based and some simply embrace the social and commercial aspects of a shared experience within a virtual World.
Metaverse Group’s Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) plans to introduce a real estate investment trust that owns and operates a portfolio of high-quality development properties in Decentraland, Somnium Space, Crypto Voxels, Sandbox and Upland and other commercially viable Metaverses. It intends to be the world’s first 100% focused Metaverse REIT.

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Coming SoonMetaverse Assets
Financial Reports
Coming SoonExperience and Expertise You Can Trust
Digital scarcity is a tenant of all virtual World’s. There is a limited amount of virtual real estate in these Metaverse’s and just like the physical realm, only a subset of that available real estate is considered desirable. The team at Metaverse Group are pioneers in the emerging NFT space and experts in all existing and soon to be released Metaverse’s.
Metaverse Group is committed to providing predictable and sustainable distributions in this REIT while maximizing value through building the foundation and developing the Metaverse economy globally.
High Quality Portfolio with Significant Scale
Metavertse REIT’s portfolio plans to offer a compelling way for larger real estate firms to begin to participate in the Metaverse economy. Our properties are strategically located across attractive urban centres in various Metaverse’s, with larger blockchain institutional partners as backers to the portfolio and a management team with a long operating track record within the Metaverse economy.
As more of the physical world gets converted over to the virtual World, Metaverse’s become the on-ramp for this digital conversion. Thus, the value of these limited number of prime virtual properties will increase substantially in the coming years as more investors, users and businesses shift their time and attention over to the final frontier of technology. The REIT intends to be positioned to capture and expand upon this value creation from the very beginning.

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